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IHPVA Official Speed Records
Vehicle Types


-1 Streamlined Standard Racing Bicycle
(1a) Streamlined Moulton Bicycle (Moulton Liner)
-2 Streamlined Prone Bicycle
-3 Streamlined Prone Hand and Foot Powered Quadracycle, Diamond Wheel Layout.(Aeroshell)
-4 Streamlined Supine Tricycle, Rear Drive, Front Steering, 2 wheels forward, (Vector)
-5 Streamlined Standard Tandem Bicycle
-6 Streamlined Standard Triplex Bicycle
-7 Streamlined Supine Tandem Tricycle, Rear Drive, Front Steering, 1 wheel forward, (White Lightning)
-8 Streamlined Prone Triplex Hand and Foot Powered Quadracycle, Standard Wheel Layout,(Vector)
-9 Streamlined Supine Tandem Back to Back Tricycle, stretch version of (4), (Vector)
-10 Streamlined Supine Bicycle - Long Wheel Base Recumbent (LWBR)
-11 Streamlined Supine Tricycle, Front Drive, Front Steering, 1 wheel forward, (Allegro)
-12 Streamlined Supine Tandem Back to Back Tricycle, stretch version of (10), (Gold Rush)
-13 Streamlined Supine Bicycle - Short Wheel Base Recumbent (SWBR)
-14 Streamlined Supine Bicycle - Hand Powered, Front Drive, Short Wheel Base Recumbent (SWBR)
-15 Streamlined Supine Bicycle - Front Drive (Varna)
-16 Streamlined Supine Bicycle - Front Drive, Video Display (Kyle Edge)
-17 Streamlined Supine Tricycle, Front Drive, Front Steering, 1 wheel forward (Varna Fairing)
-18 Streamlined Inverted Prone Bicycle - Long wheelbase (Eivie)
-19 Delta trike-two rear wheels outside body, low-racer, FWD, video navigated (Orion)
-20 Tadpole trike, two front wheels inside body, low-racer, RWD, velomobile design, front steering (Completely Overzealous)
-21 Tadpole trike, two front wheels outside body, low-racer, RWD, front steering, video-navigated (ArrowHawk)
-22 Delta trike, two rear wheels inside body, front wheel drive, rear-steering, (Tri-Rush)
-23 Streamlined prone Hand powered Tricycle, Front Steering, Rear Drive
-24 Non-streamlined recumbent hand-powered tricycle, 1 wheel forward, front Steering, front drive


(w1) Hydrofoil Catamaran Standard (Flying Fish)
(w2) Hydrofoil Single Hull Recumbent (Hydroped)
(w3) Hydrofoil Catamaran Air Propeller Supine (Decavitator)
(w4) Hydrofoil Catamaran Flapping Wing Standing (Pogo Foil)
(w5) Hydrofoil Single Hull Standard (Super Phoenix)
(w6) Displacement Monohull Standard Propellor
(w7) Displacement Catamaran Standard Propellor
(w8) Displacement Monohull Kayak


(a1) Canard pusher prop/standard
(a2) Std configuration /recumbent


These records are displayed in Web format for information only.
The master set of official Records is maintained by the IHPVA Records Committee and Historian.


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