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About the IHPVA

Articles of Incorporation
IHPVA Bylaws
IHPVA Organizational Links

A few words about the IHPVA
The IHPVA acts as the sanctioning body for new World Records in human powered land, water and air vehicles set under the Rules of the International Human Powered Vehicle Association ("IHPVA"). The IHPVA may also act as a sanctioning body for races and other sporting events and records in non-stored-fuel land, water and air vehicles.

Additionally the IHPVA serves as a source of information for all human powered land, water and air records and all other records pertinent to the pursuit of human power. The IHPVA also acts as a source of technological information on human powered transportation.

To further these goals, the IHPVA organizes and promotes periodic competitions on land, water and in the air. Annually, the IHPVA holds or sanctions a HUMAN POWERED SPEED CHAMPIONSHIPS. The principal object of the contests is to combine the best in technology with the best in athletic ability to obtain the fastest and most efficient human powered vehicles in the water, on land, and in the air; and to showcase ongoing technological development for speed and for practical human powered vehicles.

In all rules, regulations and executive decisions of the IHPVA, our overall philosophy and policy is to stimulate and not stifle competition and creativity, to help achieve this goal, the fewer and simpler the rules, restrictions and regulations, the better.

The IHPVA is a corporation organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes. The IHPVA is organized and operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Articles of Incorporation
IHPVA Articles of Incorporation [Transcribed from the original documents]
State of California, Office of the Secretary of State

I, March Fong Eu, Secretary of State of the Sate of California, hereby certify:

That the annexed transcript has been compared with the record on file in this office. Of which it purports to be a copy, and that same is full, true and correct.

In witness thereof, I execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this September 19, 1980.

March Fong Eu
Secretary of State


Articles of Incorporation
International Human Powered Vehicle Association




  1. This corporation is nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for Charitable Purposes.
  2. The specific purposes of this corporation are to:
  1. Encourage and support unrestrictive, innovative and creative design and construction of vehicles operated solely by human power for transportation on land, in the air and on the water.
  2. Sanction and otherwise promote at minimum a yearly meet at which the vehicles may be showcased and tested.
  3. Keep historical records (photographs, speeds, distances) of the results of these meets.
  4. Provide focus for technical data regarding the design, construction and operation of these vehicles.
  5. Publish a newsletter for dissemination of data and information regarding human powered vehicles of any type.


The name and address in the State of California of this corporation's initial agent for service of process is: Peter Boor, 1203 Yale Avenue, Claremont, California 91711.


  1. This corporation is organized and operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  2. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or (b) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  3. No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office.


The name of the unincorporated association which is being incorporated is INTERNATIONAL HUMAN POWERED VEHICLE ASSOCIATION.


The unincorporated association whose name is set forth in Article IV of these articles of Incorporation is being incorporated by the filing of these Articles.


The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to educational and scientific purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private person. Upon the dissolution or winding up of the corporation, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes and which has established its tax exempt status tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

In witness thereof, the undersigned, being the incorporators of INTERNATIONAL HUMAN POWERED VEHICLE ASSOCIATION, INC., have executed these Articles of Incorporation on September 15, 1980.

Incorporators: Peter Boor, Joanne Dickey.

Notarized by Marie G. Hernandez, Orange County, California on September 15, 1980.

Certificate of Amendment of California Nonprofit Corporation

Article 1 of the Articles of incorporation of this corporation is amended to read as follows:

Article 1. Name. The name of the Corporation is Human Powered Vehicle Association, Inc.

Chris C. Broome, President,
Sept 14, 1999


Click here for the IHPVA Bylaws (In Adobe Acrobat format)

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IHPVA International Organizational Links

Czech Republic
Great Britain
New Zealand
IHPVA USA Organizational Links  

Chicago IL
Easy Riders Recumbent Club
Florida, Georgia, Alabama
Los Angeles/Orange County California
Louisville Kentucky
New York Metro Area
Bent Trail Riders, Ohio
Oregon HPV

Omaha-Nebraska Country Cruisers
The Recumbenteers of Western New York
Recumbent-Bike Enthusiasts of North Texas
Recumbent - Bicycle Enthusiast of South Texas
Redwood Empire HPV
Rochester Area Recumbent Enthusiasts
San Diego Recumbent Riders
Seattle Area Bike Builders' Group
Washington's Happily Independent Recumbent Lovers
West Virginia
Wisconsin Illinois

no contact information available

Australia Human Powered Vehicles
Contact: Tim Marquardt

BRAG - Bent Riders of Arizona Group
We are the Recumbent branch of the Arizona Bike Club in Phoenix,AZ. We have group rides every Thursday evening and Saturday morning. Check the calendar for time and place.Post message:brag-az@egroups.com


Human Powered Transportation Association (Ontario)

Human Powered Operators of Ottawa (HPOoO)
A mailing list has been set up. Email "hpv-ottawa-request@tricolour.net" with the body containg only "subscribe" and follow the instructions in the reply.
Contact: Richard Guy Briggs
email: rgb@conscoop.ottawa.on.ca
website: http://hpv.tricolour.net

Chicagoland Recumbent Riders
Chicagoland Recumbent Riders Mailing List
Why join the list?
1) To save time by not having to go to the site to find information about upcoming rides
2) To keep up to date on recent rides / hpv happenings
3) To hear about what other members are doing
How many messages will I receive? About 2-3 per week
Can I be removed from the list? Just ask
Will this list be distributed elsewhere? No!
Send an email to: Ed Gin: gkpsol@earthlink.net

Velocity Racers(Hong Kong)

Czech Republic


Easy Riders Recumbent Club (ERRC) - Oregon
Contact Information:
Laurie Smith
PO Box 1688
North Plains, OR 97133-1688

Florida, Georgia, and Alabama- Loose Assemblage of SouthEast Recumbent Riders (LASERR) LASERR is a periodic newsletter and postal mailing list as well as an annual recumbent rally and occasional other ride events. Newsletter $5.00 US per year, send SASE for sample to:
Contact: LASERR
c/o Ed Deaton
1964 Forest Avenue
Daytona, Fl 32119-1591
e-mail: edde@freenet.tlh.fl.us

HPV Finland

Contact: Jean-Charles Gosselin - france-hpv@whpva.org

AFB Association Français des Bentrideurs
Contact: Malric Leborgne - malricleborgne@free.fr

HPV Deutschland e.V.
Contact: info@hpv.org

FC LEXXI Speedbike e.V
Contact: Axel Fehlau

Great Britain
British Human Power Club
Contact: Richard Ballantine - richard@bhpc.org.uk

Italian Recumbent
Contact: Cesare Marranghello - cestma@tin.it

Los Angeles/Orange County

Contact: Bill & Lupe Gaines

3311 Stearns Drive
Orange, CA 92669
tel: (714)744-8439 (H), (818)812-2199 (W)
e-mail: gainesw@aol.com (H)
gainesw@post.aes.com (W)
Los Angeles Recumbent Riders

Meet monthly, third Sunday. 10:00 a.m. at Burton W. Chace Park, Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey, CA, followed by an optional ride.

Los Angeles Recumbent Riders (LARRs)

Los Angeles Recumbent Riders
Meet on third Sunday of every month at Burton Chace Park, at the West end of Mindanao Way, Marina Del Rey. Drop in any time between 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., then join us on a short but fun ride on the beach bike path to Hermosa Beach for lunch and lively discussions about the past, present, and future of recumbency. For more information, contact Gerry Pease, gerbar92@msn.com, (310)379-6663.

Louisville's Relaxed Recumbent Riders' Group


Mars- (Metro Area Recumbent Society) - New Jersey

Mars Website: http://www.recumbents.com/mars/

Michigan IHPVA

Web page:http://www.lmb.org/mhpva/

Contacts: http://lmb.org/mhpva/whoweare/

Minnesota IHPVA (MnHPVA)

Homepage: http://mnhpva.org/

Contact Info: http://mnhpva.org/about/club.html

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Human Powered Vehicles
Contact: Marcel van Eijk - communicatie@ligfiets.net

New Zealand
Kiwi HPV

Bent Trail Riders (BTR) of OHIO
Contact: Mike Sutton
4327 Frontenac Dr
Dayton, OH 45440-3243
Phone: (937)427-8747
FAX: (937)427-4787
Email: benttrailriders@yahoogroups.com

A recumbent club riding the trails of Southwest Ohio. An informal group formed in March of 1999 and now with about 200 members. Monthly rides the second Sunday of each month leaving from Morrow, OH about 1pm. Rides April through November with direction and distance determined at the start of each ride. No club rules and no membership dues....just of group of recumbent riders riding together and sharing stories.

For more information, checkout our web site at http://www.siscom.net/~grindix/btr/

Omaha-Nebraska Country Cruisers

Contact: Armand Gibbons
tel/: 553-4472
e-mail: armandg@cox.net
Homepage: http://members.cox.net/armandg/Cruisersrule.html

Oregon HPV

Meet once a month (third Tuesday this year) except for some winter months.

Todd Marley, president
Bill Stites, treasurer
OHPV c/o Stites Design
3450 SE Alder
Portland, OR 97214
president @ ohpv.org

Recumbent Manufacturer

The Recumbenteers of Western New York

regular rides, check web site for details

Recumbent Cycling Ontario

formally HPVSO, this spin-off is primarily concerned with rides

R-BENT, Recumbent-Bike Enthusiasts of North Texas
Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Group rides the fourth Saturday of each month

Home Page: http://www.rbent.org

R-Best (Recumbent - Bicycle Enthusiast of South Texas)

Refugio, Texas

Contact Bob Dillard (wildlife@writeme.com)

Redwood Empire HPV
meets whimsically

Contact: Al & Alice Krause
e-mail: a.krause@humboldt1.com
2338 18th Street
Eureka, CA 95501
tel: (707) 443-8261
fax: (707) 444-2579

Rochester Area Recumbent Enthusiasts (RARE)
of Rochester, New York   USA
Mike Brisson is our phone contact at (585)461-5084
Cliff Weatherell alternate at (585)482-6288
Dave Larson - RARE webmaster at highTI_ed@frontiernet.net
URL: http://home.roadrunner.com/~rare/
We have a ride schedule posted on the website with ride description

San Diego Recumbent Riders

Meets last Saturday of every month, 9:00AM discussion, 10:00AM ride, San Diego Mission Bay Visitor Center, Clairemont Dr. Exit from I-5.
Contact: William Volk
2348 Lagoon View Drive
Cardiff CA 92007
tel: (619) 824-8323
e-mail: bvolk@inetworld.net

The Seattle Area Bike Builders' Group

We are a group of local cycling enthusiasts who enjoy building our own bikes (mostly recumbent) and modifying other bikes. We've been meeting irregularly since 1992. Our goal is to share our knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for riding, modifying and building with other people in the area. In 2001 after a brief hiatus the group has obtained a mailing list and this website and we hope you'll find the information here useful and interesting.

e-mail: nick.hein@verizon.net
website: http://bikelist.org/seawheels/

Subscribe at: http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/seawheels
or by e-mail at: seawheels-request@phred.org (send a message with "help"
(In either the subject line or body)

view archived messages at:: http://www.bikelist.org/pipermail/seawheels
send messages to the list at: seawheels@bikelist.org

Damjan Zabovnik (IHPVA Record holder)

Matjaz Leskovar
IHPVA board member

HPV Sverige
Contact: Claes Unge (Ordförande HPV Sverige) - claes.unge@vinnova.se

Futurebike Schweiz
Contact: Marc Tauss - mtauss@csp-ge.ch

Washington's Happily Independent Recumbent Lovers (WHIRL)
Regular ride: Saturday 9 a.m. (fall, winter); 8 a.m. after time changes in April. Leaving from Viers Mill Rec Center at north end of Beach Drive in Maryland. High-calorie lunch following ride.
Contact: Kathy Bilton (e-mail: kathy@bigdog.fred.net)
Washington, District of Columbia
WHIRL Web site: http://www.recumbents.com/WHIRL/
WHIRL List Info : http://www.topica.com/lists/whirl/

West Virginia Yahoo! Group:


Wisconsin/Illinois HPV riders (WISIL HPVers)

 WISIL HPVers Web Site

Wolver-Bents Recumbent Cyclist

Michigan- League of Michigan Bicyclist Spin-off

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© 2000-2025 IHPVA - International Human Powered Vehicle Association