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 Proposal of Student-Built Records
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upright mike

27 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2011 :  01:43:58  Show Profile
I propose that the IHPVA start honoring records for


Note: Instead of STUDENT-BUILT, I might propose the wording STUDENT-ENGINEERED

Student-built or engineering vehicles have had a very significant impact on the sport of human powered vehicles. Having a records in this category will honor a long-standing association between students and record-seekers.

Example 1: The student-built White Lightning was the first HPV to exceed 50, 55 & 60 mph. It was built by three students at Nortrop University in California in the last 1970s. It was powered by US Olympic team riders.
Example 2: The student-built VeloX built by TU-Delft is currently the 2nd fastest HPV in the world over 200-meters and was briefly the 3rd fastest in the One-Hour this summer.
Example 3: The University of Toronto demonstated their versatile vehicle during winning the ASME competition, then going to Battle Mountain to become currently 10th in the world. They also made world-wide news by flying the first sustained flight of a human powered ornithopher for 19.3 seconds, a separate achievement that also deserves a record category.
Example 4: Matt Weaver was a student at UC Berkeley who was NOT on the ASME student team, yet designed a lowracer recumbent that beat Fast Freddy Markham, then the world's fastest. Matt also arguagly started the lowracer streamliner trend and lended significant technical expertise to the sport. In his post-graduate days he went on to hold the world's #2 fastest speed position for 10 years and also challenged the One-Hour record, though neither of these marks would have been eligible for student-records.
Example 5: Jay Henry is a student-aged competitor who has been designing and racing his own vehicles at Battle Mountain starting in high-school and now college. He was the first junior-aged competitor to build a vehicle that exceeded 50 and then 60 mph. Although his work is not associated with a team project, he is to be considered for a Student-Record

To establish guidelines for Student-Built records and to clear up many potential arguments, I propose two rules:

1) The RIDER of the vehicle, DOES NOT HAVE TO BE STUDENT. The rider may be an Olympic-class athlete. Their is no age-limit for the rider

2))The VEHICLE be recognized as built by a STUDENT TEAM or INDIVIUAL STUDENT who is associated with a recognized high school or university. The majority of the vehicle design and fabrication is performed by students. Outside assistance such as machining or mold layup from industry sources is allowed. The use of "university resources" such as CAD, CAE, CFD is allowed and encouraged. These "high-cost" computer programs may be out of the budget of most home-builders, but an advantage to the student.

All applicants for this record will be reviwed by the IHPVA records committe. Students should be prepared to present evidience of their design involvment via a written report to the IHPVA committee. There is no requirement that a student applicant be enrolled in a program of study such as Engineering or Human Kinesiology but it is encouraged. Having the project emerge from an established student competition such as the ASME Collegiate HPV competition or Australian Pedal Prix lends credibily to the project.

The ages of all members of the student team will be considered. The maximum allowable age for a team leader is Age 30 years. High-school, Undergraduate and graudate-level Masters and PhD-level students are allowable team members.

If the student team members have graduated, and no longer enrolled in school, then they are no longer eligible for this record. An example: the world-record setting Cheetah (68.73 mph in 1992) was designed by three student graduates of UC Berkeley who had extensive experience with earlier generation ASME vehicles before designing the Cheetah on their own time within their places of professional employment.

Edited by - upright mike on 10/28/2011 02:00:56

Larry Lem

40 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2011 :  08:44:44  Show Profile
Thanks for working hard on developing the rules for this category. If this category comes to fruition, it will be the most difficult one to fully categorize as there are so many aspects to consider to make it "fair" and complete.

I believe I know what we're trying to establish here, but it is a difficult thing to put in writing. This is why the "fine print" is always so long and tedious.

By the way, I think we're mixing two things here. "Student-built" is a type of vehicle or competitor. If allowed, it would qualify for all categories of racing, whether 200 m flying start races, 1 hour races, or San Franciso to Los Angeles records. The type of race is immaterial.
The same applies to the proposals for junior riders and trike categories.
I do think we need to re-raise the proposal of retiring some record categories, but that should be in another topic.

Larry Lem

Edited by - Larry Lem on 10/28/2011 08:50:13
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