Artichokes 3 for a Quarter (Godzilla) and crew
Lampi Limo float test (rear view)
Lampi Limo Float test (side view)
Lampi Limo and Beetlemania
Godzilla (and Bob Simons) on the water
Kinetic Mom on the water
Zotzathing on the water
Two Bozos Named Dean on the water
Lampi Limo in the Dismal Bog (should have had floats deployed!)
Godzilla (and Bob Simons) in Dismal Bog
First Place Finishers (Lamppi Limo and Husky Power)
Iron Butterfly
Kinetic Mom (applying lipstick)
Here are some mpeg movies from the same event.
http://www.ihpva.org/Races/PortTownsend95.html revised 9/25/95 bhw