From: (Ken Arnold) To: subrace@UCSD.EDU Date: 96-04-05 21:50:20 EST
Hello there submariners and other interested folks:
The World Submarine Invitational 1996 submarine races ended yesterday with a few broken records!
Here's the summary of the best speed for everything that made a successful run through the 10 meter speed trap. First, congratulations to everyone who came to the event -- it's a big accomplishment just to get into the water! I must also say that I was very impressed with the way everyone helped each other out during the event. It's amazing what happens when everyone works together.
On the first day of the event, William Nicoloff set a Guiness Book record, and the one-person propellor driven IHPVA (International Human Powered Vehicle Assoc.) record of 6.7 knots in SubStandard!
The Omer crew (pilot Benoit Chabot, stoker Francois Maisonneuve) set the two person propellor driven IHPVA record at 6.5 knots.
Dr. Robert Iannello set the IHPVA one person non-propellor driven record at 0.96 knots in Sub-Lime.
(The Records are, of course, subject to confirmation by the issuing organizations.)
Sorted in order of decreasing speed:
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub | | | |Speed|Accuracy| | No. | Date |Index | Time |(kts)|(+/-kts)|Pilot | Stoker/Type ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 30-Mar 1:15:16 2.903 6.696 0.038 Bill Nicoloff (one man) 6 4-Apr 1:57:28 2.970 6.546 0.037 Benoit Chabot, Francois Maisonneuve 15 30-Mar 0:46:46 3.020 6.437 0.036 Bill Nicoloff Kent West 31 3-Apr 0:38:25 3.153 6.165 0.033 Tucker Gore FAU 31-Mar 2:57:30 3.203 6.068 0.032 Martin Rapa Richard Dunn 5 1-Apr 0:19:30 3.287 5.914 0.030 Brian Kelley Roger Stout 7 31-Mar 0:58:00 3.637 5.345 0.024 Jill Fujiwara Owen Riehle 34 4-Apr 2:59:10 4.121 4.717 0.019 Dave Schlosser Jamie Bernard 28 3-Apr 0:32:06 4.354 4.464 0.017 Shane Torno Paul Griffith 96 3-Apr 2:11:15 4.588 4.237 0.015 Michael Bisbee Michael Martin Cal 31-Mar 0:34:00 5.856 3.319 0.009 Cal Gongwer- swimmer with Aqueon 16 4-Apr 1:53:40 5.973 3.255 0.009 Robert Woodruff John Dumsick 19 2-Apr 0:14:15 6.473 3.003 0.008 Rob Chavers Jason Guarino 9 1-Apr na 6.723 2.891 0.007 Dana Tarka Mike Kissel 18 3-Apr 0:12:35 6.740 2.884 0.007 Gary Sadler 3 3-Apr 0:40:10 7.491 2.595 0.006 Tim Caffarella Neil Collins 33 1-Apr 1:15:20 9.443 2.059 0.004 KevinMcPeak OMD 31-Mar 1:06:50 13.013 1.494 0.002 Tom Kiernan DPV 30-Mar 0:46:10 13.430 1.447 0.002 ? 11 1-Apr 2:17:30 20.204 0.962 0.001 Dr. Robert Iannello - non-prop. 12 1-Apr 3:57:00 35.185 0.552 0.000 Scott Szymansky Hans Richter
Sub# Sub Name / Team ------------------------------------------ 2 Gary Maouridis 3 DaVinci / Will Forman 4 Florida international University 5 Subjugator / Battelle Institute 6 Omer / Ecole de technologie Superiere, Ca 7 Subdistic / Cal Poly, Pomona 9 Sea Lion / Penn State 10 Port Hueneme Aquatic Race Team 11 Sub-Lime / Dr. Robert Ianello 12 Sea Torpedo / Millersville University 15 SubStandard / William Nicoloff 16 Texas A&M - Galveston 17 UCSB / U of Calif. Santa Barbara 18 Subshimi / U of Calif. San Diego 19 Rivershark / Univ. of Mass., Lowell 21 Sea Dawg / University of Washington 21 Calvin Wilkerson 28 SubMaroon / Texas A&M - College Station 31 Torpedo III, Tennessee Tech. 33 Grayback/ Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech. 34 Sub-Human III / Sub-Human Group 96 U.S. Naval Academy 18U Chumarine / Cal State Univ., Fullerton DPV SubDiego / St. Augustine H.S. San Diego FAU FAU-boat / Florida Atlantic University OMD DSV Ocean Machines
I'll also try to post this information along with some of the images from the race on our web server, as soon as I have some time... ;>
I hope we'll see you all again for WSI '98! phone: 619-566-1892 fax: 619-530-1458